differt.em.special module


differt.em.special module#

Special functions.

This module extends the jax.scipy.special module by adding missing function from scipy.special, or by extending already implemented function to the complex domain.

Those new implementation are needed to keep the ability of differentating code, otherwise we could just call the SciPy function and wrap their output with jnp.asarray.


Evaluate the error function at the given points.

The current implementation is written using the real-valued error function jax.scipy.special.erf and the approximation as detailed in [Leu08].

The output type (real or complex) is determined by the input type.


Currently, we observe that this function and scipy.special.erf starts to diverge for \(|z| > 6\). If you know how to avoid this problem, please contact us!


z (Inexact[Array, '*batch']) – The array of real or complex points to evaluate.

Return type:

Inexact[Array, '*batch']


The values of the error function at the given point.


Regarding performances, there are two possible outputs:

  1. If z is real, then this function compiles to jax.scipy.special.erf, and will therefore have the same performances (when JIT compilation is done). Compared to the SciPy equivalent, we measured that our implementation is ~ 10 times faster.

  2. If z is complex, then our implementation is ~ 3 times faster than scipy.special.erf.

Those results were measured on centered random uniform arrays with \(10^5\) elements.


The following plots the error function for real-valued inputs.

>>> from differt.em.special import erf
>>> x = jnp.linspace(-3.0, +3.0)
>>> y = erf(x)
>>> plt.plot(x, y.real)  
>>> plt.xlabel("$x$")  
>>> plt.ylabel(r"$\text{erf}(x)$")  

The following plots the error function for complex-valued inputs.

>>> from differt.em.special import erf
>>> from scipy.special import erf
>>> x = y = jnp.linspace(-2.0, +2.0, 200)
>>> a, b = jnp.meshgrid(x, y)
>>> z = erf(a + 1j * b)
>>> fig = go.Figure(
...     data=[
...         go.Surface(
...             x=x,
...             y=y,
...             z=jnp.abs(z),
...             colorscale="phase",
...             surfacecolor=jnp.angle(z),
...             colorbar=dict(title="Arg(erf(z))"),
...         )
...     ]
... )
>>> fig.update_layout(
...     scene=dict(
...         xaxis=dict(title="Re(z)"),
...         yaxis=dict(title="Im(z)"),
...         zaxis=dict(title="Abs(erf(z))"),
...     )
... )  
>>> fig  

Evaluate the complementary error function at the given points.

The output type (real or complex) is determined by the input type.

See erf for more details.


z (Inexact[Array, '*batch']) – The array of real or complex points to evaluate.

Return type:

Inexact[Array, '*batch']


The values of the complementary error function at the given point.


The following plots the complementary error function for real-valued inputs.

>>> from differt.em.special import erfc
>>> x = jnp.linspace(-3.0, +3.0)
>>> y = erfc(x)
>>> plt.plot(x, y.real)  
>>> plt.xlabel("$x$")  
>>> plt.ylabel(r"$\text{erfc}(x)$")  

Evaluate the two Fresnel integrals at the given points.

This current implementation is written using the error function erf see [Wikipediacontributors24b].

The output type (real or complex) is determined by the input type.


z (Inexact[Array, '*batch']) – The array of real or complex points to evaluate.

Return type:

tuple[Inexact[Array, '*batch'], Inexact[Array, '*batch']]


A tuple of two arrays, one for each of the Fresnel integrals.


The following plots the Fresnel for real-valued inputs.

>>> from differt.em.special import fresnel
>>> t = jnp.linspace(0.0, 5.0, 200)
>>> s, c = fresnel(t)
>>> plt.plot(t, s.real, label=r"$y=S(x)$")  
>>> plt.plot(t, c.real, "--", label=r"$y=C(x)$")  
>>> plt.xlabel("$x$")  
>>> plt.ylabel("$y$")  
>>> plt.legend()  