differt.rt.image_method module#

Path tracing utilities that utilize the Image Method.

The Image Method is a very simple but effective path tracing technique that can rapidly compute a ray path undergoing a series of specular reflections on a pre-defined list of mirrors.

The method assumes infinitely long mirrors, and will return invalid paths in some degenerated cases such as consecutive colinear mirrors, or impossible configurations. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure that the returned path is correct.

Otherwise, the returned path will, for each reflection, have equal angles of incidence and of reflection.


The following image shows how the Image Method (IM) can be applied to find a path between two nodes (i.e., BS and UE).

Image Method example.

Example application of IM in RT. The method determines the only valid path that can be taken to join BS and UE with, in between, reflection with two mirrors (the interaction order is important). First, the consecutive images of the BS are determined through each mirror, using line symmetry. Second, intersections with mirrors are computed backward, i.e., from last mirror to first, by joining the UE, then the intersections points, with the images of the BS. Finally, the valid path can be obtained by joining BS, the intermediary intersection points, and the UE [EOJ23, fig. 5].#

consecutive_vertices_are_on_same_side_of_mirrors(vertices, mirror_vertices, mirror_normals)[source]#

Check if consecutive vertices, but skipping one every other vertex, are on the same side of a given mirror. The number of vertices num_vertices must be equal to num_mirrors + 2.

This check is needed after using image_method because it can return vertices that are behind a mirror, which causes the path to go through this mirror, and is someone we want to avoid.

  • vertices (Float[Array, '*batch num_vertices 3']) – An array of vertices, usually describing ray paths.

  • mirror_vertices (Float[Array, '*batch num_mirrors 3']) – An array of mirror vertices. For each mirror, any vertex on the infinite plane that describes the mirror is considered to be a valid vertex.

  • mirror_normals (Float[Array, '*batch num_mirrors 3']) – An array of mirror normals, where each normal has a unit length and is perpendicular to the corresponding mirror.

Return type:

Bool[Array, '*batch num_mirrors']


A boolean array indicating whether pairs of consecutive vertices are on the same side of the corresponding mirror.

image_method(from_vertices, to_vertices, mirror_vertices, mirror_normals)[source]#

Return the ray paths between pairs of vertices, that reflect on a given list of mirrors in between.

  • from_vertices (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) – An array of from vertices, i.e., vertices from which the ray paths start. In a radio communications context, this is usually an array of transmitters.

  • to_vertices (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) – An array of to vertices, i.e., vertices to which the ray paths end. In a radio communications context, this is usually an array of receivers.

  • mirror_vertices (Float[Array, '*batch num_mirrors 3']) – An array of mirror vertices. For each mirror, any vertex on the infinite plane that describes the mirror is considered to be a valid vertex.

  • mirror_normals (Float[Array, '*batch num_mirrors 3']) – An array of mirror normals, where each normal has a unit length and if perpendicular to the corresponding mirror.

Return type:

Float[Array, '*batch num_mirrors 3']


An array of ray paths obtained with the image method.


The paths do not contain the starting and ending vertices.

You can easily create the complete ray paths using jax.numpy.concatenate:

paths = image_method(

full_paths = jnp.concatenate(
    (jnp.expand_dims(from_vertices, -2), got, jnp.expand_dims(to_vertices, -2)),
image_of_vertices_with_respect_to_mirrors(vertices, mirror_vertices, mirror_normals)[source]#

Return the image of vertices with respect to mirrors.

  • vertices (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) – An array of vertices that will be mirrored.

  • mirror_vertices (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) – An array of mirror vertices. For each mirror, any vertex on the infinite plane that describes the mirror is considered to be a valid vertex.

  • mirror_normals (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) – An array of mirror normals, where each normal has a unit length and if perpendicular to the corresponding mirror.

Return type:

Float[Array, '*batch 3']


An array of image vertices.


In the following example, we show how to compute the images of a batch of random vertices. Here, normal vectors do not have a unit length, but they should have if you want an interpretable result.

>>> from differt.rt.image_method import (
...     image_of_vertices_with_respect_to_mirrors,
... )
>>> key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
>>> (
...     key0,
...     key1,
...     key2,
... ) = jax.random.split(key, 3)
>>> batch = (10, 20, 30)
>>> vertices = jax.random.uniform(
...     key0,
...     (*batch, 3),
... )
>>> mirror_vertices = jax.random.uniform(
...     key1,
...     (*batch, 3),
... )
>>> mirror_normals = jax.random.uniform(
...     key2,
...     (*batch, 3),
... )
>>> images = image_of_vertices_with_respect_to_mirrors(
...     vertices,
...     mirror_vertices,
...     mirror_normals,
... )
>>> images.shape
(10, 20, 30, 3)
intersection_of_line_segments_with_planes(segment_starts, segment_ends, plane_vertices, plane_normals)[source]#

Return the intersection points between line segments and (infinite) planes.

If a line segment is parallel to the corresponding plane, then the corresponding vertex in from_vertices will be returned.

  • segment_starts (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) –

    An array of vertices describing the start of line segments.


    segment_starts and segment_ends are interchangeable.

  • segment_ends (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) – An array of vertices describing the end of line segments.

  • plane_vertices (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) – An array of plane vertices. For each plane, any vertex on this plane can be used.

  • plane_normals (Float[Array, '*batch 3']) – an array of plane normals, where each normal has a unit length and if perpendicular to the corresponding plane.

Return type:

Float[Array, '*batch 3']


An array of intersection vertices.