differt.scene.sionna module

differt.scene.sionna module#

Provide a compatibility layer with Sionna’s scenes.

Sionna uses the simple XML-based format from Mitsuba 3.

download_sionna_scenes(branch_or_tag='main', *, folder='<path-to-differt>/scene/scenes', cached=True, chunk_size=1024, progress=True, leave=False)[source]#

Download the scenes from Sionna, and stores them in the given folder.

If cached is False and folder exists, then it will raise an error if not empty: please clear it first!

  • branch_or_tag (str) – The branch or tag version of the Sionna repository.

  • folder (Union[str, Path]) – Where to extract the scene files, i.e., the content of sionna/rt/scenes/.

  • cached (bool) – Whether to avoid downloading again if the target folder already exists.

  • chunk_size (int) – The chunk size, in bytes, used when downloading the data.

  • progress (bool) – Whether to output a progress bar when downloading.

  • leave (bool) – If progress is True, whether to leave the progress bar upon completion.

Return type:


get_sionna_scene(scene_name, *, folder=PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/differt/checkouts/latest/differt/src/differt/scene/scenes'))[source]#

Return the path to the given Sionna scene.

  • scene_name (str) – The name of the scene.

  • folder (Union[str, Path]) – Where scene files are stored.

Return type:



The path, relative to the current working directory, to the given scene.xml file.

list_sionna_scenes(*, folder='<path-to-differt>/scene/scenes')[source]#

List available Sionna scenes, by name.


folder (Union[str, Path]) – Where scene files are stored.

Return type:



The list of scene names.